Shannon O'Sullivan

where to buy cbd oil

Is CBD Oil Now the Biggest Health Food Supplement in Ireland?

CBD oil and other CBD products have become increasingly popular as health food supplements with  many people using them to feel physically and mentally better. Users claim that it helps with depression and anxiety, eases their pain, and minimises symptoms of several conditions and diseases. There is much anecdotal evidence online from both men and …

Is CBD Oil Now the Biggest Health Food Supplement in Ireland? Read More »

how to use cbd oil for sleep

How to Use CBD Oil For Sleep? Top Tips

Sleeplessness affects countless people worldwide, with as much as 30% of people reporting they struggle with chronic insomnia. Here in Ireland, three people for every ten people report getting enough sleep each night. For people who aren’t interested in turning to drugs for relief, there are few effective options. Thankfully, CBD oil shows incredible promise, …

How to Use CBD Oil For Sleep? Top Tips Read More »

Microfluidic Lab

Microfluidic Lab-On-A-Chip Could Provide Disease Diagnosis In Minutes

This week, a team of researchers from the BDI DCU, UC Berkeley and Universidad de Valparaíso Chile announced a microfluidic device that may soon be able to detect global health diseases such as HIV and TB in a matter of minutes. The device, called SIMBAS (standing for self-powered integrated microfluidic blood analysis system) is able …

Microfluidic Lab-On-A-Chip Could Provide Disease Diagnosis In Minutes Read More »